Click each icon to learn more
\nBest Start
\n \n(PDF)
\n \nBest Practices
\n \n(PDF)
\n \nKnow Your Size
\nLocal & National
\nBack to Work
\nThis information is to be used at the discretion of the individual and is not a substitute for medical advice. \n Please contact your lactation consultant or primary care provider for medical advice. This list of resources was put together by Jodie Dresel RN, IBCLC.
\nBelow you will find helpful resources for your breastfeeding journey. This page of\n resources was put together\n for our community by our Lactation Consultant and Registered nurse Jodie Dresel.
\n \nBest Start
\nBreastfeeding is the gold standard in infant feeding. Breastmilk provides immune support\n with amazing\n antibodies to give your baby everything they need and the best start for a healthy life. The American\n Academy\n of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, introducing foods after 6 months of life and\n continuing breastfeeding for a year and beyond. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for\n two\n years and beyond…More >
\nBringing a new life into the word is amazing but not everything with that comes easily\n and\n no new parent should feel alone in the journey. This group is facilitated by our Jodie our Lactation Consultant. Get support, meet other moms and get the help you need\n from our Lactation Consultant…
\n \nProviding breast milk is one of the best things you can do for your baby’s health and\n development. Pumping your milk is one way to provide breast milk to your baby. Keeping the parts of your\n pump\n clean is critical, because germs can grow quickly in breast milk or breast milk residue that remains on pump\n parts… Download PDF>\n
\nBest Practices
\n \nBy following recommended storage and preparation techniques, nursing mothers and\n caretakers of breastfed infants and children can maintain the safety and quality of expressed breast milk\n for the health of the baby… Download PDF >
\nKnow Your Size
\n A breast pump flange is the plastic piece that fits around your areola, over your nipple\n to form a seal to create the vacuum needed for milk extraction. The flange is also known as a breast shield.\n Incorrect sized flanges can impact milk production, cause pain and nipple damage with milk expression…\n
Local & National
\nLocal Breastfeeding Support Resources for all Hawaiian islands including a list of\n International Board Certified Lactation Consultants can be found at…\n
Back to Work
\nDo you need a breast pump? Most moms find having a breast pump helpful while away from\n baby\n to maintain milk supply, to relieve engorgement and to increase milk supply if needed. Many moms who return\n to\n work need to have a pump to maintain milk supply while working…
including videos on latching, breastfeeding, positions, hand expression and much more please go to:
\nThank you to the Global Health Media Project for sharing
Breastfeeding education\n with moms\n and babies all over the world.\n
This information is to be used at the discretion of the individual and is not a substitute for medical advice. \n Please contact your lactation consultant or primary care provider for medical advice. This list of resources was put together by Jodie Dresel RN, IBCLC.