\n Breastfeeding is the gold standard in infant feeding. Breastmilk provides\n immune support with amazing antibodies to give your baby everything they\n need and the best start for a healthy life. The American Academy of\n Pediatrics (aap.org) recommends\n exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, introducing foods after 6 months of\n life and continuing breastfeeding for a year and beyond. The World Health\n Organization (who.int)\n recommends breastfeeding for two years and beyond.\n
\n\n The Global Health Media Project share Breastfeeding education with moms and\n babies all over the world.\n
\n \nFor information including videos on latching, breastfeeding, positions, hand\n expression and much more please go to
\n \n\n The information below will help you and your baby get off to a great start\n
\n\n For information on establishing milk supply while separated from your baby\n or while your baby is having difficulties breastfeeding see information on\n maximizing milk production. Thank you to Jane Morton at Standford Medicine\n for sharing information on maximizing milk production.
\n The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding form the basis of the Baby-Friendly\n Hospital Initiative, a worldwide breastfeeding quality improvement project\n created by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s\n Fund (UNICEF). Baby-Friendly hospitals and birth centers also uphold the\n International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes by offering parents\n support, education, and educational materials that promote the use of human milk\n rather than other infant food or drinks, and by refusing to accept or distribute\n free or subsidized supplies of breastmilk substitutes, nipples, and other\n feeding devices.\n
\nClick each icon to learn more
\nBest Start
\n \n(PDF)
\n \nBest Practices
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\nThis information is to be used at the discretion of the individual and is not a substitute for medical advice. \n Please contact your lactation consultant or primary care provider for medical advice. This list of resources was put together by Jodie Dresel RN, IBCLC.